It’s this idea of continuous
transformation that makes you an
innovation company.
Ginni Rometty
Profound Knowledge Partners Asia has a range of practical workshop solutions for your strategy and improvement challenges, especially when planning for growth and business innovation. These workshops are customised specifically to the needs of your organisation, and whilst best conducted in onsite/offsite team settings, adapted versions may also be delivered online (video-conference workshops).
Aspects of these workshops maybe combined into a program of growth and development for your organisation.
“A strategy is something like, an innovative new product; globalization, taking your products around the world; be the low-cost producer. A strategy is something you can touch; you can motivate people with; be number one and number two in every business. You can energize people around the message.”
Jack Welch
Based on the Profound Knowledge Partners Asia’s Strategic Visioning+ Framework and SEIS frameworks, combining pre-workshop consulting and post-workshop coaching these 1-2 day workshops involve:
- Reviewing the current market and internal context of your organisation (Trend analysis where data is available)
- Analysing key challenges for growth and operational efficiency
- Aligning the team on the vision for growth and change
- Developing a set of Strategic Objectives for the business
- Agreeing on a set of change initiatives towards those Strategic Objectives, including business innovation and operational improvement.
- Confirming the measures of success
- Establishing a plan for communicating and managing the improvement initiatives
The intended outcome from this workshop is high-level plan for change and improvement in the organisation. Follow up consulting and business coaching is usually included into the program to help the organisation turn the plan into practical action. Often leaders will further embed this into their organisation through planned a program of Business/Process Improvement and innovation.
“The best way to protect your future is to create it”
Abraham Lincoln
Profound Knowledge Partners Asia interviews key leaders in your business to prepare this 1-2 day workshop during which the participants will examine Profound Knowledge Partners Asia’s Strategic Visioning + Framework to determine operational efficiency and strategic strengths and weaknesses of the business, and what actions the organisation will take to put them into place. This is often a starting point for organisations to begin the journey towards Creating a Learning Organisation.
“Strategy should be to skate where the puck is going, not where it is.”
Tim Cook
These customised ½ day to 2 day workshops bring the following disciplines, defined by Dr. Michael Maccoby, into practical application to build the leadership team capability for Strategic Intelligence
- Leadership Philosophy – Examining the Organisation’s approach to leading the business and relating this to Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge.
- Foresight – Establishing a system of scanning the market for emerging trends as well as opportunities and threats
- Visioning – Creating an idealised design of the future with systems thinking at its heart
- Partnering – Institute productive internal and external partnerships to see the vision to fruition
- Motivating – Engaging, motivating and empowering internal and external collaborators towards that vision
The outcome from the workshop is an action plan towards building Strategic Intelligence into your leadership. Profound Knowledge Partners Asia can help you implement this into your organisation.
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision”
Helen Keller
Having a clearly worded and heart-felt Mission and Vision that attracts both your marketplace and current/potential employees is fundamental to the long-term success of your business. Profound Knowledge Partners Asia helps you engage with your leadership team to create guiding statements that keep your organisation aligned to a common purpose which will signal to your existing and potential customers. Furthermore, we help you to go deeper than just the “words on the website” – facilitating you to build measurements that show your organisation and stakeholders how you are succeeding in your Mission and Vision. Typical workshops may be 0.5 to 2 days, plus pre-workshop consulting and post-workshop coaching. Such work, is often done in conjunction with establishing or enriching Practical Values for the leadership team and organisation, and Refining a Systems of Measures.
“The culture of a workplace - an organization's values, norms and practices - has a huge impact on our happiness and success.”
Adam Grant
The Culture of an organisation, both explicit and implicit, is the reason for the success, and often the failure of an organisation. The culture of your business can be fashioned through the promulgation of an agreed set of values, however again they must be more than the “paper on the wall”. To be lived in the organisation, the values must be clearly articulated into a set of practical and explicit expected behaviours towards the others within the organisation, as well as customers and other stakeholders. The outcome of this workshop is an agreed set of values and behaviours that can be inculcated throughout the organisation, used as a tool in onboarding and developing employees and communicating to the marketplace. Often we are working with clients who have existing values which need to be better defined into practical and observable behaviours. Profound Knowledge Partners Asia helps you refine and deploy the key agreements of the organisation. Typical workshops may be 0.5 to 1 day, plus pre-workshop and post-workshop consulting.
“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.”
Niccolo Machiavelli
Profound Knowledge Partners Asia helps leaders learn, as a team, to execute and monitor a program of coordinated improvement efforts for their organisation that is aligned with their intended strategy. These 1-2 day workshops introduce leaders to Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge and leaders apply the skills, Agile methods and frameworks to initiate, guide, conclude and measure the outcomes of their improvement and innovation programs. If the AimiHub improvement project management system is to be deployed in the organisation, the workshop will help leaders gain the most from using the system in getting rapid results with their people and projects.
“All improvement requires change, but not all change is an improvement”
Langley, G. et al, The Improvement Guide: A practical approach to enhancing organizational performance.
Profound Knowledge Partners brings you the Accelerated Model for Improvement (AmiTM). These workshops aim to teach leaders and their teams the tools, Agile methods and techniques to drive rapid and continuous improvement in your business, whether in operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, financial performance or innovation of products, services and experience for customers. Delivered within your organisation, including assigned pre-work, sponsor communication, and post workshop application coaching, attendees bring real projects to the 3 day workshop which they execute (with regular coaching sessions) over the ensuing 3-6 months to deliver real impact to your business.
For larger organisations, AmiTM practitioner training and certifications (Green Belt equivalent) can be conducted in cohorts of a minimum of 4 teams over a 4-6 month period. And if you would like to take the capabilities of your organisation to the apex of business process improvement, together with our partners in PKP Inc, we can provide Business Improvement Professional certifications (Black Belt equivalent) teaching Deming-based Lean Sigma skills and methodologies. These 9-month programs involve cohorts learning higher level analysis, creative thinking, change management and innovation skills, based on Agile principles (AmiTM) that can be applied to any type of service or manufacturing organisation, across all commercial, operational and support functions. Such programs are widely deployed in the Healthcare and allied industries globally, and have been applied across many other industries including manufacturing, distribution, service and process industries.
“We have found that companies need to speak a common language because some of the suggested ways to harness disruptive innovation are seemingly counterintuitive. If companies don't have that common language, it is hard for them to come to consensus on a counterintuitive course of action.”
Clayton M. Christensen
Building Innovation into your business is a matter of learning, as an organisation, the thinking, tools and methods required to create or adapt product, services, processes and business models to address unmet or underserved needs in the marketplace. Profound Knowledge Partners Asia offers a number of workshops, based on The Six ‘I’s® of Innovation, as well as other other methods, to help leaders build innovation into their business:
- Purpose-led innovation for business leaders (1-2 day workshop) – Leading and Managing Innovation in your organisation
- “Yes, You Can Innovate” (1-2 day 6’I’s®️ of Innovation workshops) – Learning about the application of 6’I’s®️ as an Innovation framework (can also be delivered online)
- Introduction to Innovation (2 hour 6’I’s®️ online seminar) – Introduction to the 6i’s of Innovation approach
- “The Six ‘I’s®️ in Action” – 3 module online workshop with an online pre-session to bring a deeper understanding about innovation and how to apply innovation skills and mindsets
- “Spark!” – a one day, fun day, intense workshop to experience an innovation sprint, whilst learning Innovation tools, skills and mindsets
- Business Innovation (1 or 2 day workshops) – customised, design-thinking styled, ideation-to-action product, service, process or business model innovation sprints (can also be delivered online)
For larger organisations, Profound Knowledge Partners Asia will work with Entheo to train and certify your staff in The Six ‘I’s of Innovation®
“In systems thinking, increases in understanding are believed to be obtainable by expanding the systems to be understood, not by reducing them to their elements.”
Dr. Russel L. Ackoff
Understanding the organisation as a system of interlinked processes, facilitated by people and technology is fundamental to driving targeted, rapid and sustainable improvement in business innovation. With pre-workshop consulting, Profound Knowledge Partners Asia can help you map out and understand the workings of your business processes. From basic process mapping, through process boundary analysis to deep linking of processes, technologies, operational measures, people and policies these workshop programs with pre-, and post-workshop consulting, will give you one of the most powerful tools to understand the challenges in your organisation and drive change – The System Map or Linkage of Processes. Profound Knowledge Partners Asia can also train your staff in the skills and methods of effective process and system mapping.
“It is wrong to suppose that if you can't measure it, you can't manage it – a costly myth.”
Dr. W. Edwards Deming
All businesses have systems of measures, but mostly these are built on lagging financial measures (counting the points after the game is played!), which are usually not useful for learning how to play the game better. Profound Knowledge Partners Asia will help you to survey the measures you have in your business as part of the pre-workshop consulting. Then together with your leadership team, in a bespoke workshop program, along with follow up consulting sessions, help you to establish an adaptive frame of the most important forward-looking measures. Your system should include strategic and operational efficiency metrics, as well as ESG measures. Tying in predictive analytics to your business measurement system provides a foundation towards Creating a Learning Organisation.
“Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival”
W. Edwards Deming
Creating a Learning Organisation comprises 5 interlinked Activities of Leaders (see the SEIS Framework), founded on the practical application of Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge:
1. Defining and refining Strategic Vision of the organisation
2. Establishing a deep commonly-held understanding of the organisation as a system
3. Maintaining a System of Information (Operational monitoring, horizon scanning and risk/opportunity analysis)
4. Having a regular system of planning (Strategic, Operation and Improvement)
5. Managing a mechanism for coordinating programs of innovation and continuous improvement
Profound Knowledge Partners Asia will work with you and your organisation to diagnose what you already have in place with pre-workshop consulting. With this basis, a customised workshop can be designed to help your organisation begin to work on elements that will have the biggest impact on your business outcomes. Typical outputs from such workshops include a program of innovation and improvement to be deployed throughout the organisation and a plan to execute the change program in a defined period. Once begun, the organisation begins to work on a roadmap towards Creating a Learning Organisation.
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
Henry Ford
Profound Knowledge Partners Asia will help you and your leadership team find new heights of performance and organisational leadership through analysing your team’s strengths and challenges to determine to what degree team dysfunctions may be impacting the results of your organisations. Customised team and individual coaching programs can be built to address the needs of the organisation. The most powerful program to start with is the Link team performance workshop, a 1-1.5 day workshop to develop a team charter based on the Profound Knowledge Partners Asia High Impact Leadership Teams (HILT Framework).
“Like all major transitions in human history, the shift from a linear to a circular economy will be a tumultuous one. It will feature heroes and pioneers, naysayers and obstacles, and moments of victory and doubt. If we persevere, however, we will put our economy back on a path of growth and sustainability.”
Frans Van Houten
Building sustainable enterprises has become critical to the future of business and society as a whole. Profound Knowledge Partners Asia has workshops from introductory training to practical change programs to help you make ESG a super-power and build resilience into your organisation.